John R. Curtis tweeted the following:
"I am sending this letter with @RepSherrill and others on both sides of the aisle, putting Utahns first as we work on solutions to quickly resolve baby formula supply chain issues. Learn more:"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from John R. Curtis:
"NEW: This week I intro'd a bill in the House requiring the Admin to report to Congress on their actions to solve the formula shortage. I appreciate the bipartisan desire to resolve this crisis and am hopeful to receive the information we need to prevent this from happening again."Read on Twitter
"Today, on #ArmedForcesDay I am proud of all who have answered the call to serve and defend our Constitution."Read on Twitter
"Just two months ago, the FDA received a $102 million budget increase, including $11 million specifically for maternal and infant health and nutrition." on May 20Read on Twitter