Burgess Owens tweeted the following:
"Utahns tell me they're frustrated by the Small Business Administration's delays, mismanagement, and lack of communication.I'm proud to support the IMPROVE the SBA Act to address these issues and ensure much-needed support for Main Street USA.Read more: owens.house.gov/posts/owens-co"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Burgess Owens:
"Over 100,000 more Utahns are feeling the pinch of inflation.This ongoing cost-of-living crisis is making it more difficult for hardworking families to afford gas, groceries, and everyday essentials.fox13now.com/news/local-new"Read on Twitter
"Freedom is not free. On #ArmedForcesDay, we honor the Americans - past and present - who so courageously answered the call to serve in Utah, across the country, and abroad. Thank you for your service to our nation." on May 21Read on Twitter
"Historic drought is challenging Utah's farmers, ranchers, and industries.Proud to help @Rep_Stansbury introduce the Water Data Act, a collaborative effort to improve water data infrastructure for better decision-making and management of water resources.owens.house.gov/posts/owens-in" on May 19Read on Twitter