Burgess Owens tweeted the following:
"For the first time in history, Utah gas prices have officially hit $5 per gallon.President Biden needs to take action and unleash U.S. energy independence. abc4.com/news/gas-price"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Burgess Owens:
"It was an honor to welcome 75 Utah veterans to Washington D.C. for the @UtahHonorFlight.Thank you to these American heroes for their selfless service and countless sacrifices." on June 8Read on Twitter
"Meet Team Owens for mobile office hours tomorrow in Juab Co. if you're having issues with the IRS, VA benefits, passports, or any federal agency. We're here to help you!For more information, visit Owens.House.Gov." on June 7Read on Twitter
"Meet Team Owens for mobile office hours tomorrow in Sanpete Co. if you're having issues with the IRS, VA benefits, passports, or any federal agency. We're here to help you! For more information, visit Owens.House.Gov." on June 7Read on Twitter