"And along with @RepMalinowski, @RepJoeWilson, and @RepCohen we are pushing @SpeakerPelosi to immediately move our anti-corruption bill, the Counter-Kleptocracy Act, for a vote on the House Floor. These actions alone will not stop Putin. More must be done. We will not stand by."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from John R. Curtis:
"Earlier this month @RepChrisStewart and I wrote to President Biden pushing for sanctions on the Russian potash industry. It is especially inexcusable that we rely on potash from Russian oligarchs when Utah has sources of potash."Read on Twitter
"Putin and the Russian government must be totally and completely isolated. I have worked with colleagues in numerous ways to achieve this. With @RepMalinowski yesterday I introduced the CORRUPT Act to force severe sanctions on Putins inner circle. #utpol"Read on Twitter
"Today, with @RepDeanPhillips I introduced the Russia Travel Sanctions for a Democratic Ukraine Act It broadly bans the visas of:All Russian government officials (local and national)OligarchsEmployees of state-owned businesses and their family members"Read on Twitter